Sunrise Band
- about
- nomenclature and facility
- approach
- band internal goods and service exchange
- official campaign partners
SUNRISE hyper band is a contender entry from INDIA in series of world kids rock band amongst various entries from planet earth.
Band comprises of super young students who sadly do not even qualify to perform as musicians as per old school benchmarks. on the other hand SYG powered Band specializes in special techniques like playing in the dark space and to play guitar behind the neck.
all academy SYG hyper bands are integrated to common interface with precise IFTD PROTOCOL for a seamless group performance from remote locations across the globe.
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Watch band practice sample video below
Though Sunrise happens at end of the differently long nights at different planets at relatively different times, Yet all planets work together for successful execution of solar operations in big universe and exist in system for millions and trillions of years.
hyper Band operators are named on each planet based on their virtues and effects.
Sun being the sunrise nest as training facility host
Narrated by : Monika Khan, owner at sunrise nest
On guitar and keyboard
Mercury being Ahana for being robust and closest to the sun’s might and withstand all the solar energy throughout the system tenure
On guitar and vocals,
Venus being Vaanya for being the most caring guitarist across the band.
On guitar,
Earth being Darsh for sustaining systems rhythm for achievement of purpose
On guitar
Mars being Arush for most comprehensive knowledge bank and a fastest way available to explore full bandwidth
On coach,
Jupiter being Guitar sir for being band coach
On guitar
Saturn being Tanay for being Jupiter’s daddy as he mostly supersedes Jupiter commands and has his own sensory rings to develop and explore on its own.
On guitars and vocals,
Uranus and Neptune being Rakshit and Nikita for twin learning
On guitar
Pluto being Vivaan for being youngest amongst all.
On Keyboard
Reanna (exoplanet 15 ly) gelise 876
Suryansh , Ross 128 (11 ly)
Nived , Proxima centauri B (4.2ly)
Drishti , 51 pegasi B (50 ly)
Also there is an invisible energy portal which gives all planets due energy to keep performing to eliminate angular deficit.
It is divine energy which keeps the system rolling for more and more.
Divinity being Divya Aggarwal for her constant and immeasurable and invisible efforts to bring impossible to existence.
At mother academy it is believed that all students who achieve high scores must nurture their talent by exploring the scope of performance in front of larger audience to forge a great commercial performer.
Academy holds a separate media and content management agency to support students who are looking forward for a career with their beloved instruments
Once accomplished the course module successfully, high rank holder students are given opportunity to perform at various events organised by academy’s media agency.
With every passing event, agency is growing with increasing number of rock star performers.
Constantly showing way to all future musicians developed under Mother umbrella.
Band launch on sunrise nest annual event 2020 and international women day
MR. Sameer Khan
Mrs. Monika Khan
Owner – Sunrise Nest kids daycare and learning center, Indirapuram Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
official news partner
you are watching the band first on supports SANGEET BHARAT INITIATIVE

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